Tag: breach

CISO role: All C and no IA, the 33% CISOs failing their organisations!

In the last (maybe…) of my three-part CISO rant series (See Part One and Part Two if you want to catch up) I am going to wrap up with a rant about the 33% CISOs not giving their organisations of a full CISO role. These are the CISOs who think their role is solely about…
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GDPR Fines

Are the big GDPR fines finally coming into land – and does it matter?

So what was my prediction? Well, based on previous major data breaches (such as the TalkTalk breach) I hypothesised that, it seems to take the ICO around 12-18 months from a major incident occurring, to the ICO carrying out an investigation and subsequently issuing a fine…and then of course the inevitable appeal wrangling for reduction of the original fine amount. Therefore, if there were to be an in-scope breach on the 26th May 2018 it would likely be between May and November 2019 before a large fine would be finally agreed.