Tag: risk


UK Test and Trace – How to avoid failing at risk management

The UK Test and Trace system has, again, come under fire for IT Glitches. The latest “glitch” is the manifestation of an obvious data quality risk. The test and trace system is overriding address information provided by student end users with data held in a central source. This issue has occurred because some bright spark…
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calculating risk

Calculating Risk – Where’s your Confidence?!

When helping organisations navigate risk management Fox Red Risk is often faced with the task of determining methods for calculating risk. We prefer to use tried and tested methodologies but what we often find is that organisations, very rarely, are calculating risk properly. A key thing missing from the majority of implementation we see is…
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Security Audit - Low Hanging Fruit

Security Audit – Are you a ‘Quiddler’?

Are you a Quiddler? No, this is not some fanboi reference to Harry Potter (I’ll be honest I haven’t read one of the series, I’m a proper muggle!). Quiddling, however, is a very real problem in the world of Security Audit. If you want to know more, keep on reading. You could be one of…
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business continuity

Business Continuity & 22301:2019 – Do I need to get new BC Software?

Here are some changes in the 2019 version of 22301 that could mean your current Business Continuity software solution may no longer be fit-for-purpose.

CISO role: All C and no IA, the 33% CISOs failing their organisations!

In the last (maybe…) of my three-part CISO rant series (See Part One and Part Two if you want to catch up) I am going to wrap up with a rant about the 33% CISOs not giving their organisations of a full CISO role. These are the CISOs who think their role is solely about…
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InfoSec CPE: If you pay for your infosec specialists’ membership fees why aren’t you reviewing their annual CPE transcripts?

I would strongly recommend periodically asking your staff for their current qualifications’ CPE transcripts. Not just your InfoSec or Risk specialists but all your specialists.

Risk Management: Stop – you’re too controlling!!!

What appears to be a well-intended improvement to reduce risk being completely unused because it was poorly envisaged, poorly implemented, with the original control measure still to be decommissioned and so that control is still being used whilst the new control is to all intents and purposes gathering dust.

Are Organisations Getting their Pen Test BADLY Wrong?!

The whole point of penetration testing (pen testing) is to identify how vulnerable an organisation’s technology infrastructure is to attack. I suspect, however, anecdotally, that a lot of organisations have lost sight of this goal and are now opting for a; vendor-led, paint-by-numbers pen test consisting of maybe one of two high-profile Internet-facing applications. I’m not saying this is a systemic issue but from my observation over the last few years, it seems this approach to pen testing is pretty widespread and I think we desperately need a return to pen testing’s ethical hacking roots…