Category: Security Advisory Blog

business continuity

Business Continuity & 22301:2019 – Do I need to get new BC Software?

Here are some changes in the 2019 version of 22301 that could mean your current Business Continuity software solution may no longer be fit-for-purpose.

Public Information & GDPR – I can do what I like with it…wrong!

There seems to be this idea floating around that if the data is collected from publicly available sites then it is fair game for marketers. If someone has created a profile on LinkedIn for example and their email address can be harvested (say by a recruiter or data miner connecting with you) then this public…
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data breach

Data Breach: 10% of affected businesses closed down in 2019…or did they…?

I know there is a rush to get things out the door and I am very grateful for those who report on data breach stats but this article from Dark Reading piqued my interest: 10% of Small Businesses Breached Shut Down in 2019. Whenever I see a statistic like this I am always a little…
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Security KRI – Are the Management Team walking around naked?

Poorly defined security KRI or Key Risk Indicators can give your senior management team a false sense of security but is a fear of presenting a potentially negative picture akin to the Hans Christian Anderson tale, ‘The Emporer’s New Clothes’? In this fairytale two tailors promise their emperor a new suit and tell him that…
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cookie consent

Cookie consent after C-673/17 – To Consent or not to Consent…

Firstly, this is legal information about cookie consent, not legal advice… The judgement of the CJEU case C-673/17 is now doing the rounds and as one has come to expect when it comes to Data Protection recently, there is a lot of hot air and bluster about what the ruling means. Is this some form of paradigm shift in…
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Climate Change

Climate Change Solved: GDPR mitigates climate change risk!

Whether you believe climate change is a real thing or not there is no arguing 16-year-old Greta Thunberg is making headlines. Her efforts to raise awareness about this key issue of our time are pretty impressive. Whilst some people don’t think climate change is real, as a person who believes in evidence-based decision-making, I am going to pin my colours…
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securing small businesses

Securing small businesses – block ‘most’​ external cyber threats with these four low-cost controls

Securing small businesses is a different type of challenge to securing a larger organisation. Doing these four things could block most external cyber threats!

CISO Reporting Line: Your CISO should not report to the CIO or the COO or the CFO…here’s my rant as to why it’s bad Joo Joo!

The CISO reporting line is to 1 of 2 roles. The CRO if the CRO sits on the senior management team. If no CRO, then CISO should report to CEO directly.

InfoSec CPE: If you pay for your infosec specialists’ membership fees why aren’t you reviewing their annual CPE transcripts?

I would strongly recommend periodically asking your staff for their current qualifications’ CPE transcripts. Not just your InfoSec or Risk specialists but all your specialists.

Risk Management: Stop – you’re too controlling!!!

What appears to be a well-intended improvement to reduce risk being completely unused because it was poorly envisaged, poorly implemented, with the original control measure still to be decommissioned and so that control is still being used whilst the new control is to all intents and purposes gathering dust.