Tag: cybersecurity

Locard’s Exchange – The Principle every Security Operations Analyst needs to know!

An organisation can have all the security tools in the world. SIEM, UEBA, SOAR, you name it. Ultimately those tools will end up as shelfware if there isn’t a human being looking at the output. Sure, “AI” (or Machine Learning for non-Marketeers) can do a lot of the heavy lifting if properly configured. BUT at some point,…
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asset discovery

Asset Discovery for Cybersecurity & Data Protection – You can’t protect it if you don’t know it exists!

There is an old management adage that what isn’t measured isn’t managed. It’s so true. Something similar applies to cybersecurity. If you don’t know an asset exists, how on earth can you protect that asset from a cyber-attack or data breach?! Asset Discovery is the number one exercise a new CISO (or Virtual CISO) should…
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security incident

Security Incident Avoidance – Hackers know we’re away for Christmas…

It’s that time of year where many of us will be ensuring our organisations can still deal with a security incident whilst most of the workforce are at home watching Christmas movies like Die Hard – yes, it’s definitely a Christmas Movie. Hackers know businesses are running on skeleton staff during the holiday period so…
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Cybersecurity Strategy – Organise to Operate

Cybersecurity strategy is being “organised to operate”. A principle that is fundamental to developing an effective cybersecurity programme. Here’s why…

Security KRI – Are the Management Team walking around naked?

Poorly defined security KRI or Key Risk Indicators can give your senior management team a false sense of security but is a fear of presenting a potentially negative picture akin to the Hans Christian Anderson tale, ‘The Emporer’s New Clothes’? In this fairytale two tailors promise their emperor a new suit and tell him that…
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CISO role: All C and no IA, the 33% CISOs failing their organisations!

In the last (maybe…) of my three-part CISO rant series (See Part One and Part Two if you want to catch up) I am going to wrap up with a rant about the 33% CISOs not giving their organisations of a full CISO role. These are the CISOs who think their role is solely about…
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cyber security consultant

Security Strategy: If you want to run a SOC, you’re not ready to be a CISO

A CISO is a strategic role, not an operational role – if you still want to run a Security Operations Centre (SOC) then (attitudinally at least) you’re not ready to be a CISO…here’s why…

CISO Reporting Line: Your CISO should not report to the CIO or the COO or the CFO…here’s my rant as to why it’s bad Joo Joo!

The CISO reporting line is to 1 of 2 roles. The CRO if the CRO sits on the senior management team. If no CRO, then CISO should report to CEO directly.

GDPR Fines

Are the big GDPR fines finally coming into land – and does it matter?

So what was my prediction? Well, based on previous major data breaches (such as the TalkTalk breach) I hypothesised that, it seems to take the ICO around 12-18 months from a major incident occurring, to the ICO carrying out an investigation and subsequently issuing a fine…and then of course the inevitable appeal wrangling for reduction of the original fine amount. Therefore, if there were to be an in-scope breach on the 26th May 2018 it would likely be between May and November 2019 before a large fine would be finally agreed.