Tag: security

security ROI

Security ROI: The only Board-level cybersecurity metric you’ll ever need.

if the CISO isn’t providing their Board with a security ROI figure, then it’s quite probable the organisation is spending too much on the wrong things.

CISO role: All C and no IA, the 33% CISOs failing their organisations!

In the last (maybe…) of my three-part CISO rant series (See Part One and Part Two if you want to catch up) I am going to wrap up with a rant about the 33% CISOs not giving their organisations of a full CISO role. These are the CISOs who think their role is solely about…
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CISO Reporting Line: Your CISO should not report to the CIO or the COO or the CFO…here’s my rant as to why it’s bad Joo Joo!

The CISO reporting line is to 1 of 2 roles. The CRO if the CRO sits on the senior management team. If no CRO, then CISO should report to CEO directly.

Are Organisations Getting their Pen Test BADLY Wrong?!

The whole point of penetration testing (pen testing) is to identify how vulnerable an organisation’s technology infrastructure is to attack. I suspect, however, anecdotally, that a lot of organisations have lost sight of this goal and are now opting for a; vendor-led, paint-by-numbers pen test consisting of maybe one of two high-profile Internet-facing applications. I’m not saying this is a systemic issue but from my observation over the last few years, it seems this approach to pen testing is pretty widespread and I think we desperately need a return to pen testing’s ethical hacking roots…